Thursday, March 20, 2003


Sunday, March 16, 2003

can't get enough of that linkin park...

got a strange message in a fourtune cookie: "you will find a treasure in a place you wouldn't expect it"

prediction: if the zags get past arizona they will make it to the final four

kentucky to win it all

big upsets: wisconsin out in first round, syracuse in the second round

songs of the week:
Millencollin "kemp"
Unwritten Law "seein red"
Weezer "say it aint so"
linkin park's new album "meteora" is out on the 25th!!!!!!!!! everyone buy it!!!
download this song: "somewhere i belong"

Saturday, March 15, 2003

today all i have is simple advice... if you have a fear, a doubt, a wound, well there is only one cure... pure comedy.
laugh away dear satan laugh away.

so the girl tells me "you only see in black and white" and so i say "baby, thats not true. i see only in blond and brunette"

a wise man once told me "there are two types of people in the world, happy rich sucessful people, and virgins"

so the girl told me "sex is a spiritual way of joining two people" so i say "so thats why you were screaming 'Oh my God!'"

more to come....
it has come to my attention, that everybody has certian beliefs ingrained into their very soul. these beliefs were created in the early part of life and reinforced over and over again through out life. for some reason these beliefs are nearly imposible to change. i've seen this in every person i've met... incuding myself. I find that there is such emotion entangled with these beliefs that people form their lives around them. and i'm not talking about obvious or fundamental belifs that most people acknowledge, i'm talking about random issues that somehow forced their way into the center of our hearts and minds. these beliefs keep us from being open and they can cause one to be angry or even hate. i must endevor to keep my emotions away from my jugement when it comes to the issue of sex since because of it i've allowed myself to hate. and that is not acceptable.
...i don't think most people realize how much power they have. love is a powerful thing and love perverted is doubly dangerous. appathy seems to have a stong effect as well. i think... i think we aren't as different as we seem... all of us humans... if we could only communicate how we feel, harness our emotions into words, if we could listen and understand... if we could take the time. i firmly believe that 90% of communication fails, because we assume we understand, or that other understand us.. but we don't... and the only way we are going to get close is to take the time and listen. we need to sacrafice our assumtions and emotions in place for loving patience.

as bad as failing communication is.... there is one thing that is infanately worse... no communication

Thursday, March 13, 2003

day 1: as is with the beginings of all jouneys this one is exciting! i look forward to the spread of information the blog will provide. i think its best to set ground rules for this blog:
1) never talk about yourself
2) play devils advocate
3) be open as possible
4) no direct attacks or insults

with that done i want to thank everyone for taking the time to read this and i invite all to contact me whenever you'd like have a great day!